Thursday, August 23, 2007

"Autumn to Arrive Sunday"

That is one of the big headlines in today's Aftenposten.

I mean, holy crap? We have had the WORST summer ever, and now they rip away whatever is left of it? Man this SUCKS.

I've still got dresses to work through. Sandals to wear. Linens that have not seen the light of day. A straw hat that I never managed to use for sun protection. A deck chair that I have never used ONCE. I only wore a bathing suit ONCE this summer, for an hour, and that was the time I got horribly sunburned in Austin! ....I guess that weekend in Poland was Summer 2007 for us. It was nice weather the whole time.

Such a strange thing to think, for a Texan, that this Saturday, August 25th, is the last day of summer in Norway. Worst thing about it is, that the past few days have been GLORIOUS, but I have been absolutely swamped at work and can't take time to enjoy it. I got over 100 emails today alone, at times coming in about one a minute, all requiring reply or action, and there was no way I could bugger off to enjoy the sun. The crunch will be over by Tuesday, but by then the good weather will be gone.

Sigh. I'm NOT ready for sweaters and boots. Not even close. I've barely got my sandal callouses going on my feet!

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