Norwegian New Year's fireworks show as seen from our window overlooking the fjord.
This was just one part of the skyline, it went on for miles. Pretty damned awesome.
Rich took the pictures.
Former expat, living in Texas after 11 years in Norway. Kinda missing that expat life. No matter what, the journey never stops. I will always be a traveler. "Do not go quietly unto your grave".
FQ1: What do you hope will be the big technology breakthrough in 2005?
Oh Jeez, I can tell that a guy asks these questions. For me, personally, I would wish for cd or dvd burning to be as easy as making a cassette tape used to be. I am a relative newbie to downloading music and burning cd's, but I have found making cd's to be onerous, persnickety and downright frustrating. I just want to push a button that says "record". Like on the old stereo systems we had in the 80's? Like that.
As for a large scale tech breakthrough, hell, um, better weather and natural warning systems to help prevent the huge losses of the past year to hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, flooding and tornadoes.
FQ2: What do you hope will be the big medical breakthrough in 2005?
Making men be the ones to give birth, haha. Seriously, a cure for cancer. Always.
FQ3: What do you hope will be the big entertainment breakthrough in 2005?
Gwen Stefani and Paris Hilton will fall off the face of the Earth. Please? Also, people will finally recognize the true and complete brilliance of Gary Numan's music of the past few years. But he will still be my secret.....
FQ FUTURE: It's one year from now! What was your greatest accomplishment in 2005?
To have learned html, perfected my German and vastly increased my jewelry making skills. Also, to have become a more patient person. And paid off my debt. Yeah, so that's more than one. I'm a multi-tasker.
Happy New Year! May 2005 be the year when it all comes together, all your problems go away and all your dreams come true.
Another yardstick of U.S. largesse stems from a comparison of how American money is used elsewhere in the world.
In hearings last month, the U.S. military reported to Congress that it is now spending more than $5.8 billion each month — an average of $8,055,555 an hour — in Iraq. So the $35 million in aid destined for the tsunami victims is equal to what the Pentagon spends on the average morning in Iraq — about four hours.
Put another way, the $35 million is less than the amount the U.S. military spent during the six hours it took for the tsunami to cross the Indian Ocean on Sunday.
President Bush mentioned the $2.4 billion that the U.S. provided this year in worldwide aid. That amount pales in comparison with the $13.6 billion that Bush requested and received in supplemental appropriations for the hurricanes that hit the southeastern United States and the Caribbean earlier this year.
Of that amount, $100 million, less than 1 percent, went to other countries for their hurricane relief efforts."
Yeah, because, you know, it's not OUR catastrophe or anything. I mean, really. Let's just keep killing people in Iraq and not worry about a natural disaster of Biblical proportions. Sending aid won't get him re-elected, will it, so why bother? Why bother coming out of your "ranch" in Crawford and saying or doing anything?
We can't afford Social Security, we can't afford better health care for the nation, we can't even afford to help victims of a natural disaster on a scale that is mind boggling, yet we can still spend billions in Iraq on a war no one wants.
Is the US supposed to be a friend to the world or not?
I am embarrassed that this man calls himself a Texan.
Christmas 2003 and New Year's Eve 2004,
Jan 14-Feb 2,
Feb 15-23rd,
March 17-23, New York City,
April 8-13,
May 17-June 10, Copenhagen, train to Bremerhaven, Northern Germany, ferry to London, flight to Prague, back to London then flight to Frankfurt, train to Amsterdam, train to Copenhagen, train thru Sweden back to Oslo.
July 10-21,
July 31-Aug 7,
Aug 27-Sept 7,
Sept 14-Oct 1,
Oct 11-21,
Dec 23-27th,
Jan 7-17th, 2005
In 2005 I am determined to get to Thailand, Italy, Istanbul, Edinburgh, a tropical island somewhere for a beachy lazy vacation, and to go back to Paris and decide once and for all how I feel about it. I have mixed emotions about that place, due to past scary experiences and the usual "treated like crap" tourist experience. I am older and wiser (?) now, maybe can hold my own a bit better.