Saturday, October 31, 2009


I have two favorite holidays: Halloween and Thanksgiving.

These holidays aren't celebrated in Norway. So, for 7 years, I have missed out on my favorite holidays, unless I am in the US at that time.

Halloween has got a toe hold in Norway, but they honestly haven't got the hang of it yet. They sell a few costumes at Nille and the toy stores. If you are a girl you can be a witch or a princess. If you are a boy you can be Harry Potter or a vampire. When the movie Scream was big, those awful white masks were everywhere. But, basically, the tradition and the fun of Halloween, the creativity and the embrace of sides of yourself that you get to let out for a night, they haven't gotten there yet. There is still a wariness of Halloween here, that the Americans are forcing yet another American thing on the Norwegians, and isn't Halloween just an excuse for bad behavior, anyhow?

So, I am going to Aberdeen today for a one week intensive Project Management course. Happy Halloween!

Thanksgiving is my other favorite holiday. I like it because it's all about the food and the companionship. No big expectations for presents, no big plan for activities...just a meal and the recuperation after the meal. None of the stress of Christmas, but all the benefits. I do try to get back to the US for Thanksgiving every year. I didn't make it last year, as we had our big trip to Thailand to look forward too over Christmas, but I was there in 2007 and I will be there this year! Bring on the turkey and gravy sandwiches!

Christmas, you might have surmised, just stresses me out. Though I might put up a tree this year, first time in 7 years.....

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