Saturday, January 29, 2005

Burns Night

Tonight we are going to a Burns Night party hosted by some of Rich's work buddies. These are the same guys that Rich goes out drinking with on the more-than-occasional Friday night. Based on that, I expect it to be a booze soaked evening of lush Scottish burrs and many jokes and giggles. (Not that last Saturday was not the same, only more formal. And less Scottish.)

I am looking forward to it. I would be looking forward to it even MORE if I thought the men would be wearing kilts. Rich is 6' 7" inches tall, with a swimmers physique. Can you imagine something like that in a kilt? Man, a kilt on him would be a mini skirt. Which would not be such a bad thing, though I would be swatting the ladies away from him, for sure.

Here is a funny article about a Scotsman wearing a kilt in France. I would imagine the reaction would be similar here.

I have some pictures to post from last Saturday, which I will post forthwith. I am pleased that lately pictures of me have been turning out fairly decent, though I have been making an effort to give the "wide eyed half Mona Lisa thinking far away thoughts" smile every time a camera is pointed at me. It hides my stark fear at the prospect of yet another crappy photo being taken.

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